The Solitary Lone Hamster
A Solitary lone Hamster |
All rodents, mice, rats, and some species of hamsters are sociable creatures, and most will live happily together in groups or pairs in the same or opposite sex and form a bond with one another and their owners, rats in particular. The only exception is the Syrian hamster; these are by nature solitary creatures as nature intended them to be.
Syrian hamsters' are fiercely territorial and will defend his territory against intruders of his own and other species.
It is an innate behavior and still persists in captivity. Although the Syrian hamster has been domesticated over the years this does not mean we can change their instinctive behaviour. Domesticating an animal cannot change their instinctive or natural behavior.
The Syrian Hamster is the most popular of the rodent family that is kept today as pets.
Some of the Dwarf hamsters may quite happily live together, and even raise their young together.
Syrian hamsters are different, being of a solitary nature they prefer to live alone. They come together only to mate, and only then when the female is in heat. The female raises the young on her own and the male has no further contact with the female or the young pups once his part in the mating is complete.
Syrian hamsters are not social animals and must not be kept with others of their species or other species after reaching adulthood. At around 6-8 weeks of age the Syrian hamster must be housed alone and kept that way for the rest of their natural lives.
A female Syrian hamster that was once so protective of her young should be separated from the young pups no later than 5 weeks after the birth as after this time she may become very anti-social with them.
An adult Syrian hamster, male or female, that ventures into the territory of another adult will almost certainly be met with an aggressive confrontation.
Why do they fight?
The solitary nature of these creatures does make it easier to keep just one as a pet.
Syrian hamsters are very attractive and come in several varieties of coat and colour variations, and are both cute in general appearance and in their day to day activities.
Some people say the Syrian hamster is unfriendly unsociable and even evil.
That all they seem do is eat sleep, play, and could not care less if they ever saw a human.
Let me assure you that is not the case, the Syrian hamster if, and when tamed properly are sociable with humans, are very friendly and will take a great delight in interacting with people.
Some people think the Syrian hamsters do not make good pets for children. Let me also assure you that the Syrian hamster makes an ideal first introductory pet for children. And can help in educating them into responsible pet care and ownership.
Any animal, be it a rat, cat, or dog, that is mistreated or ill treated will turn out to be an unsociable animal, the Syrian hamster is no exception.
